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IMAG2 at a glance
Research team at the Necker Hospital in Paris. Focusing our research in medical imaging, we try to empower both surgeons and patients delivering innovative segmentation, investigation and visualization tools.
Composed by surgeons, engineers and students, we complement our different backgrounds and skillsets in order to offer the best possible solutions, putting the technical advancements at the service of real-world necessities.
In the constantly evolving medical ecosystem, we hope our technology can bring more safety and efficiency for all the parts involved.
We are currently working on developing a complete framework for the visualization, exploration and analysis of pediatric patients anatomy, with special attention in abdominal surgery applications.
Starting from a clinical protocol of MRI sequences we have designed and implemented a suite composed of segmentation plug-ins, tractography applications and pipelines.
We aim to provide accurate and patient-specific 3D models, offering portable and interpretable results.

La recherche : une aventure scientifique
Notre objectif : mieux comprendre les maladies génétiques pour mieux les soigner.

Chiifres clé
> 140 Subjects 9 MRI Sequences